Paper Of Syahadah

This Paper was submitted to complete one of the group tasks English Study
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English Lecturer : Ceceng Salamudin, M.Ag

Arranged by:
Group 1
Ahmad Nurmajid
Lilis Siti Sopiah
Muhammad Hasbullah
Siti Napisah
Wildan Haetami


Praises and syukur to Allah SWT who has the blessing and the glory. Shalawat and salam are always delivered to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, Thabiin Atbaut Thabiin, and his followers.
This paper set up by the compiler with various obstacles. Whether it came from self constituent or who come from outside. But with patience and especially the help Allah SWT finally this paper by tittle “ SYAHADAH “ can be resolved.
Authors also thank the English lecturers who have helped making up to finish this paper.
Hopefully this paper can provide a broader insight to the reader. Although this paper has advantages and disadvantages. Authors beg for advice and criticism. Thank you.

                     Garut, September 2018



PREFACE ...........................................................................................  i
TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................  ii
                         CHAPTER I  INTRODUCTION
A.    Background ..............................................................................  1
B.     Problem Identification ..............................................................  1
 C.     Writing Purposes .......................................................................  1
D.    Writing Benefit .........................................................................  2
                        CHAPTER II DISCUSSION
A.    Definition Terminology Of Syahadah....................................... 3
B.     Words and the Meaning of Syahadah ......................................  3
                              C.     The Content of Creed Sentences..............................................   4
D.    Function of Syahadah for Human Being ..................................  4
E.     The Pillars of Syahadah ............................................................  5
F.      The Relevance of Syahadah .....................................................  6
                        CHAPTER III FINAL
A.    Conclusion ................................................................................  8
B.     Criticism and Suggestions ........................................................  8

A Background

For Muslims, the word Syahadah is not a foreign word in the human ear. Creed is like a breath that always accompanies human life. Creed is one of the main requirements of a person's Islam. Without creed in their hearts, thoughts, words and actions, there is no Islam in human life. Creed is a vital matter in the life of Muslims. Shahada is like a spirit, while Islam is like his body. Then the body will die if the spirit does not exist or dies. The case of syahadat is a matter which concerns one's unity. That is why this Creed is one of the primary parts for Muslims. In Islam, the two sentences of the Creed are an intact series that must be thoroughly believed. Forbidden for Muslims to only believe in one of them. It is unclean for Muslims to only acknowledge Allah but do not recognize the Prophet Muhammad, and vice versa. In order for Muslims to maximize the quality of the Creed in their lives, they must first know the meaning contained in these two sentences.
  1. B.     Problem Identification

1.      What is the meaning of Syahadah ?
2.      What is the Word of Syahadah ?
3.      How The Content of Creed Sentences ?
4.      What is the Function of Syahadah for Human Being ?
5.      How the Pillars of Syahadah ?
6.      How The Relevance of Syahadah ?
  1. C.    Writing Purposes

1.      To know The meaning of Syahadah
2.      To know The Word of Syahadah
3.      To know The Content of Creed Sentences
4.      To know The Function of Syahadah for Human Being
5.      To know The Pillars of Syahadah
6.      To know The Relevance of Syahadah
  1. D.    Writing Benefit

The benefits make this paper is to know about Syahadah  for the readers and students of Islamic University Al-Musaddadiyah Garut.

 A.    Definition / Terminology Of Syahadah

Syahadah is taken from the verb شَهِدَ  يَشْهَدُ , meaning  to observe, witness, testify, and believe. translates as "testimony" in both the everyday and the legal senses. The Islamic creed is also called, in the dual form, Syahadatan ( literally "two testimonials").
Two sentences martyrdom is a testimony that there is no mandatory that free with love but only God's sake only. Then Muhammad's testimony that free is the messenger of Allah. Syahadatain This is the spirit that underlies the beliefs, thoughts and actions of believers. To realize believer must interact with the content through several stages syahadatain meaning of love and redha namely God, Islam dam Apostles. Syahadatain based on love and redha be sibgah to the heart, mind and body.
B. Word and the Meaning of Syahadah

Creed is the principle and basis for the other pillars of Islam. Creed is the soul, the core and foundation of all precepts of Islam. Creed commonly called the Syahadatain because it consists of two sentences (in Arabic means two sentences Syahadatain Creed). The two sentences of Creed / Confension is:
1.      Asyhadu an-laa ilaaha illallaah

Meaning: “ I testify that there is no god without Allah ”
2.      Wa asyhadu anna muhammadan rasuulullaah

Meaning: “ And I testify that Muhammad SAW is the messenger of Allah SWT “.
So, we can know that Asyhadu an-laa ilaaha illallaah Wa asyhadu anna muhammadan rasuulullaah means is: ” I bear witness that there is no God without Allah and Muhammad SAW is the messenger of Allah “.
C. The Content of Creed Sentences

1.      Pledge
Pledge of a Muslim that is a statement of what was believed. When we uttered those words the testimony, then we have a duty to uphold and fight for it.
2.      Oath
Creed also means curse. A person under oath, he or she is willing to accept the consequences and risks in adopting any such oath. That is, a Muslim means that completion and is responsible for the enforcement posture of Islam and Islamic teachings.
3.      Promise
Creed also means promise. This means that every Muslim are those who swear allegiance to hear and obey in all circumstances on all orders of God, contained in the Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet.
If someone understood correctly about islam it will bring a positive impact on every god creature, which among others can be gauged from the attitude that was born from her the love and sincerity. A Muslim must give a supreme love to God and then to the Prophet and strive in the path of Allah SWT. bring peace and love to every creatures. This as evidence of a deep sense of love so willing to do whatever is commanded and forsake anything that is prohibited.
D.    Functions Of Syahadah For Human Being

1.      Valuable foundation of Islam
2.      Differential between Islam and Infidel
3.      An absolute requirement entered jannah / heaven.
Rasulullah SAW said in Hadits that : “ Anyone who said syahadat there is no god except Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, so Allah will prohibit their body to be touched by hell’s fire”.
4.      A key or something acceptable worship / practice.
5.      A requirement to get the intercession of the Holy Prophet on the judgement day. It is a condition of the guarantee of property, life and human dignity.
Rasulullah SAW said in Hadit: “ The lucky human being will get my blessing in dooms day, it is anyone who said ‘lailahailallah wa’ honestly from heart and soul”.
E.     The Pillar Of Syahadah

           The pillar of syahadah is two statements of Syahadah. Syahadat is the confession statement, confession of something. It is an obligation Islamic matters of someone. The first syahadat is Lailaha Illallah it means : there is no god except Allah. In this statement contains the tauhid’s meaning, it means that there is no god that must be worshiped except to Allah SWT. Talking about syahadat it’s not enough, if we just say it, but we have to apply and implement it in our life and every action.
          So, it is useless  although we say it every time, everywhere, and everyway if we are still doing something that worship to beside Allah SWT such as honoring the holy trees, giving ritual offering to our god or to our family who has died and so on. Those things can make our essential of syahadaH faulty although we don’t commit it, even though the refusal to syahadah has been described by those action.
The second syahadah is we confess that Muhammad is Allah’s messenger . The application of syahadah are :
a)      following what Rasullaah commanded
b)      approving what Rasullah said
c)      don’t worship to Allah SWT except it is proper with what Rasullah explained.
F.     The Relevance Of Syahadah For Our Life

1.      The Entrance into Islam
Received the faith and action of someone is with statement of syahadah. Without saying syahadah, so every action that people have done it’s useless, like dust that’s seen but nothing. It is as distinguishing factor between Islam and infidel. Allah SWT recites in the holy Quran :
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“ And we shall turn to whatever deeds they (disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, etc.) did, and we shall make such deeds as scattered floating particles of dust”. (Q.S Al-Furqan : 23)
2.      The core of Islamic’s doctrine
Comprehension of Moslem to Islam depends on comprehension to syahadah. When someone tries to comprehend the meaning of syahadah truly and know the obligation of it, actually they have comprehended the core of Islamic’s doctrine, because in both of these statments contains 3 the important things.
The first : statement of Laa Ilaaha Illallah is acceptance of servitude to Allah SWT. The essence of servitude in someone just to Allah that has created the human beings. Allah recites :
$tBur àMø)n=yz £`Ågø:$# }§RM}$#ur žwÎ) Èbrßç7÷èuÏ9 ÇÎÏÈ  
 “ And I (Allâh) created not the jinns and humans except they should Worship Me (Alone)”. (Q.S Ad-Dzariyat :56)
3.      The base of changing
Syahadah can change the human beings in faith aspect, thinking, and life’s way. Change includes every aspect of life individually or with citizens. There are the differences  in receiving syahadah in the fist generation of Muhammad’s community with this generation certainly. Those differences cause comprehension to the meaning of syahadah with linguistic and meaning, and consistent to syahadah in applying when receive or ignore.
4.      The essence of every messenger’s preaching
       Every messenger from Adam A.S until Muhammad SAW take the same mission of in their preaching, it is Tauhid. The Rasulullah’s preaching always brings people to worship just to Allah SWT. ( QS. Al-Kahfi: 110 )
5.      Having the big prominance
           There are many rewards that will be given by Allah SWT and promised by our prophet Muhammad SAW. This prominence is always correlated with application and implication of syahadah in our life. The biggest prominance is Allah’s heaven. Rasulullah said : “ two things that are sure”. So a friend asks him, what it is? Rasulullah answer : anyone who has died in the situation that they don’t worship except to Allah, they will enter the heaven (narrated by Ahmad).

A.    Conclution

1.      Syahadah is taken from the verb شَهِدَ  يَشْهَدُ , meaning  to observe, witness, testify, and believe. translates as "testimony" in both the everyday and the legal senses.
2.      The word of Syahadah is Asyhadu an-laa ilaaha illallaah Wa asyhadu anna muhammadan rasuulullaah means is: ” I bear witness that there is no God without Allah and Muhammad SAW is the messenger of Allah “.
3.      The Content of Creed Sentences are: Pledge, Oath, and Promise.
4.      The Functions Of Syahadah For Human Being
a)       Valuable foundation of Islam
b)       Differential between Islam and Infidel
c)      An absolute requirement entered jannah / heaven.
5.      The Pillar Of Syahadah is two statements of Syahadah. Syahadat is the confession statement, confession of something. It is an obligation Islamic matters of someone.
6.      The Relevance Of Syahadah For Our Life
a)       The entrance into Islam
b)      The core of Islamic’s doctrine
c)      The base of changing

B.     Suggestion

Realizing that the author is still far from perfect, in the future the writer will focus more the details and details in explaining the above paper with more reliable sources of accountability.



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